Saturday, July 4, 2009

Coop started/ whole pellet food now.

We finally got a start on the coop today. Were going to have to work fast as the chicks are getting pretty big! AND we also want them out of the garage before our Grad party on the 11th. I don't think that would be for good eats since we are setting up tables in the garage in case it rains.

Yesterday Amber weighed in at 10 oz and today she is 12.4 oz The layer chick is 13.1 as are a few of the other meat chicks! They caught up fast. Amber is still about in the medium weight in the group of 28 chicks (two of them being layer chicks). There are not that many that are under were weight now though...they seem to be all catching up with one another. I have some pics to show you and they will be posted on the date that they were taken so it's not so confusing. So scroll back to see them :D They are feathering out very nicely now and most are all looking the same...some being lighter and some darker. Same sort of pattern right now. They are eating NON crushed pellets now so that makes it easier on us. Just pour and go!

These chicks are sure a bunch of scardy cats! Every time I put my hand in their brooder they all freak out! LOL I hope they get used to me soon. I'm only in there messing with them at least two times a day...more on days I don't work. Still looking for the 'FOR SURE' sign of boys vs girls.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested to see how much feed yours go through.I have mine mixed with 26 dual purpose, so I don't know who's eating how much. The last week I'm going through a 50lb sack of feed every 4 days-gulp!
