Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Litter change/ Cement block added/GIRLS?BOYS? ONE week old

I'm going to start adding the weight right at the beginning of the entry so in case I have readers that are only interested in that they can see it right away :D

Meatie Amber weighed in at 9.0 oz and the regular hen was 11.1 Each weigh in it seems they get closer to the regular hens who are a month older. Now that is not the heaviest chick but it's not the lightest one either. The heavier ones weighed in at 9.5 oz Lighter ones about 8.6 ish.

Ok today I changed out the litter...we will see how fast we have to do it next time...I'm sure faster then this time since they are bigger. Having them in the garage saves on how often we change it out. I can handle more smells out there rather then in the house :D I changed it with a large shovel with the chicks right in the box. I MAY do it differently next time as I think I almost scared some to death :/ Just wanted to save some time!

Next thing I did today was add a large grey cement block in the coop to set the water on. They are getting is so full of crap it isn't even funny. We were back to having to change it three times a day and when we both work full time that is not easy to do. We will see how well that works come tomorrow. I just hope they can all reach it. I put a hill of pine shavings up to it so they should be able to.
I also noticed that they enjoy laying down while eating LOL Not all of them but some of them sure do.

I'm taking pictures today as well so you can see how well the feathers are coming in. They are really looking cute. Hubby wants to name them "Nugget" "chicken finger" "Finger likin good" ETC...I argued that! LOL OH BOY! STAY POSTED...I'm NOT sure how this meat chicken thing will all turn out after all ;)

ALmost forgot...still can't quite make out girls from boys but I think I'm seeing it somewhat. Have to look a little closer tomorrow. No redness to combs yet but I will keep an eye on that and post when I notice anything. I was kind of saying...Oh that one is a boy, that's a girl bla bla...this was all guess by the looks of how large their combs are getting.

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