Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Todays weight


Weighed both the meaties and the regular chicks and they have almost caught up to them. Just a few oz off. The reg meatie I usually weigh is weighing in at 7.9 oz Not as much of a gain as I had expected. And the reg chick is just 10.4 oz. Not near as much gain as the meat chickens. Some of the bigger meaties weighed in at over 8 oz. One was 8.5 oz. 1/2 way to a lb! Seems unreal really that those little cuties will soon be huge chickens. I did notice something else about them (I noticed it yesterday for the first time) they have worn feathers on their tummy area and seems like they get some poo stuck to their down fur. I may have to change out the bedding more often then I would like to keep them cleaner. I will keep an eye on this and see if it improves. Its not just with the meat chicks that I notice this with but also the two reg chicks that are in the box. Never happened before with any other chicks although I never had 25 of them either!

The bedding is getting to the point where there is Nothing you can do to fix the smell. It's time to change out the litter tomorrow.






  1. Sounds like they're doing good! What breed are your regular chicks?

  2. Onegsp, My reg chicks are cochin mix they are black with feathered legs and one has puffy cheeks (her mom is an EE)
