Sunday, July 5, 2009

Coop update/ no more heat lamp

Weigh in results for today. Amber is now 14.1 oz and the regular layer chick who is a month older is 14.2 LOL SO close. The smallest meatie is weighing in at 10.2 and the largest is 15.5 MOst of them are right around Ambers weight or bigger. I am beginning to see some growth in the combs of some of them so maybe soon I will be able to tell girls from boys. Still not a whole lot of red going on yet.

FEED: So far we went though right around 55 lbs. We will be picking up a separate bag just for them so I can just keep track of it that way (by the 50 lb bags). If they have any left from the current bag they are on when it's time to slaughter I will just weigh that and subtract it.

It's getting close to having to clean their brooder so I'm hoping that we are done with the coop so I don't have to do that again and waste money on shavings. We will add two bags in the coop when we are done with it. So far we have the floor done and all four walls built. Screens on the four large windows (the windows will have a piece of plywood to close in case it rains or gets too windy for them. We are not making a run for them becasue they will all be free ranging in the alfalfa field after their first two weeks in their new coop. I'm hoping they all know to go back on their own for bed like the other chickens did.

I took the heat lamp away three days ago. It's been fairly warm and they are pretty feathered in. Plus they have a lot of hot bodies to cuddle up with.

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